
On this page you will find information useful for your exams. This area of the school web site will be used to keep parents and students up-to-date with both exam timetables and regulations. Please keep referring back to this page as it will evolve over time.

Court Fields School follows the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and Ofqual rules and expects all students to abide by those rules.

If you have any queries regarding exams, please contact the Exams Officer by phone 01823 664201 or by email exams@courtfields.bep.ac 


Information for Results Day on 22 August 2024

Students will be able to collect their exam results in person from the school hall between 10.00 and 11.00 on Thursday 22nd August 2024. Staff will be available there to help you with any queries.

Results will then be emailed to each year 11 student at approximately 12.00. Students should check in advance that they are able to access their school email accounts. Please contact IT Support via support@courtfields.bep.ac in time to resolve any email issues before results day.

Following the receipt of your results, if you have any concerns please contact the school using the exams@courtfields.bep.ac email address. Guidance on post results services is available from: https://www.jcq.org.uk/exams-office/post-results-services/ 

Local Colleges

Don’t panic if you haven’t achieved the required grade in your English and/or Maths GCSE. You’ll carry on your study in these subjects and retake exams alongside your college course and will be supported all the way.



GCSE results helpline 01392 400555

GCSE results helpline 01278 441234



GCSE results helpline 01823 320800
Drop in: Thursday 22nd August, 9.30am - 3pm
Drop in: Friday 23rd August, 9.30am - 12.30pm

If your exam results are not what you expect or if you need to talk to someone about options for next year over the summer, SomersetWorks can give you advice and support about what to do next.

Exam Results Data

Click here

Links to Exam Boards

The following are GCSE exam boards:


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