Can you support on Wednesday 17th April from 8.30am - 12.30pm to interview students and present at the awards ceremony after?  Please email Charity at if you can help.


On Monday 24 June 10.10am - 5pm.  If you would like to find out more about this event please email Charity at

Like to Connect with Court Fields School?

We are looking for local employers who would like to help our students build a better understanding of the local job market and what to expect in the world of work.  Could you offer a virtual assembly?  Possibly a virtual or onsite visit or demonstration of what you do?  Maybe you would be able to support some of our students with workplace mentoring or experience of a workplace.  If you feel you have the capacity to support some of our students please do get in touch!

For our Careers Provider Access Policy, please find it here on our policies page.

Linking careers to the curriculum

This is a great way for students to understand the relevance of the subject.  Some employers have delivered a one-hour session to students.  The timings of these are discussed with the subject teachers.

Work Experience / Volunteering

Would you be able to support a student undertaken a week of Work Experience or volunteer at your business?

Please contact Charity Hunt, Career Advisor email  if you would like to get involved with our careers programme.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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