We are consulting on our admission policy for 2026-27. The proposed policy can be viewed on Devon County Council’s website: www.devon.gov.uk/admissionarrangements A summary of any proposed changes can be found on our trust website: Blackdown Education Partnership - BEP
The consultation runs from 9 November 2024 until 10 January 2025. You can comment at schoolsadmissionpolicy-mailbox@devon.gov.uk or by emailing Blackdown Education Partnership at admin@bep.ac .
For children due to transfer to a secondary or upper school the closing date for applications is 31 October 2023 and the national offer day is 1 March 2024 for on time application.
Click here for information on starting at a secondary or upper school in September.
Click here to view the secondary admission guide for the admissions process.
Parent/carers are advised to read the guides thoroughly before making an online application.
Outcome emails will be sent to those who applied online on 1 March 2024. Outcome letters will be sent out by second-class post on 1 March 2024.
The number of in-year admissions has continued to increase. Please contact the School office to request a Court Fields School application form (01823 664201 or schooloffice@courtfields.bep.ac). We like prospective new students to visit Court Fields School with their parents before applying in order to meet with our Assistant Head who oversees the admissions process, and have a tour of the school. The School office can arrange that visit for you. We have a supportive system in place to ensure that new students settle quickly and happily.
In-Year Applications
Applications will be
considered by Governors and you will be notified of their decision within 10 school days of receipt, which is available
from the School Office. Please contact 01823 664201 or
schooloffice@courtfields.bep.ac to request a form.
To view the catchment area click here.